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Nationals 2024 WAG Team Results

Congratulations to our WAG Team for their great results at the 2024 Gymnastics New Zealand Championships (held in Palmerston North) representing Aorangi.  We had a STEP 5 team (the first team Aorangi has sent for many years, and possibly the first team all from the one club) and one STEP 7 attend.  See the images attached for details.  Congratulations to all the girls and thei

Nationals 2024 - Aerobics Team Results

Our Aerobics team came home from the 2024 Gymnastics New Zealand Championships (held in Palmerston North) with some great results.  See the images attached for details.  Congratulations to all the girls and their coach.  The Aorangi Team all so came home with the Best Conducted Province Award for Aerobics.

Welcome to our new Head Coach

The start of a new year at the club is always exciting. This year however, is particularly exciting for South Canterbury GymSports. We are starting the year on a huge high, with the employment of our new Head Coach, Flaminio Oliveira. “Hi, I'm Flaminio Oliveira. I was born in Brazil, and I have been involved with gymnastics and movement for my whole life. I owned my own gymnasium for 11 y

SC GymSports Nationals Team Representatives 2023

Congratulations to the following gymnasts who have been selected for the Aorangi Team that will be attending Gymnastics New Zealand Nationals in Tauranga in July. ARTISTIC Georgia Buckley - WAG STEP 6 AEROBICS Georgia Buckley - Level 8 Pair and Individual Annalise Evans - Level 8 Pair and Individual Paige Townshend - Level 7 Trio and Individual Nicole Texiera - Level 7 Trio an

South Canterbury GymSports Nationals Team Representatives 2022

Congratulations to the following gymnasts who have will be attending Gymnastics New Zealand Nationals in Invercargill in July, representing Aorangi. ARTISTIC - WAG STEP 5 Georgia Buckley Coach - Sarah Nicholas AEROBICS Georgia Buckley Annalise Evans Paige Townshend Casey-May Watt Nicole Texiera Sahahna Anisy Oudeman Millie Dickson Coach - Talei Dickson

We Are Hiring - Head Coach Wanted.

Click on the Positions Vacant tab for more information or contact us.

NZ Titles the Goal for Team

A team of talented gymnasts heads to Auckland on Tuesday to compete at the New Zealand Gymnastics Championships.  The Gymsports Aorangi team, which covers North Otago, South Canterbury and the Mackenzie country, comprises 11 athletes aged from 10 to 20 — two trampolinists, one tumbler and eight aerobic gymnasts.  Read more...

Aorangi gymnasts up for national challenge in Auckland

Members of the Aorangi Gymnastics team are set to display their gymnastic skills and put up a promising show at the 2021 New Zealand Gymnastics Championships, later this month. Read More....

Term 3 Enrolments

Enrolment for current members is now open.  Log into your account now to register now for Term 3. Waitlisted members will be added to classes where space is available prior to new enrolments being accepted. New members can enrol from Saturday 10th July.

Term 2 Recreational Re-Enrolments Open

Enrolment for current members is now open.  Log into your account now to register now for Term 2. Waitlisted members will be added to classes where space is available prior to new enrolments being accepted.  New Enrolments will open on Tuesday 20th April.


We look forward to welcoming all our returing and new members the week starting Monday 15th February for Term 1, 2021.

Term 1 2021 Enrolments

Enrolments for 2021 are open for current members.  We will advise when we are open for new members.

Term 4 Enrolments Open

Term 4 commences Monday 12th October.  We are now taking enrolments for new members for this term.

Term 3 Commences 20th July 2020

Term 3 registrations are now open.  There has been a change in time to the Preschool Gym class on Wednesdays.  It is now 1.45 to 2.30 (previously 2.00 to 2.45). There has been a change in time to the Incentive Level 3/4 class on Wednesdays.  It is now 5.00 to 6.00 (previously 4.00 to 5.00).

Term 1 Recreational Classes Start Date

All Recreational Classes including KiwiGym, Incentive, PlayGym, Regional Competition, Aerobics and the new MultiSport class start the week beginning 10th February 2020. There is still time to enrol, just click on the Register/Enrol Tab above. 

February 2019 Newsletter

Welcome to the new year at South Canterbury Gymsports.  Here is our latest Newsletter.

Registrations for 2019 Now Open

Registrations for new members are now open.  Please click on the link above ( Register for 2019 ) to register your child for classes for Term 1, 2019.  If the class you require is full, please place your child on the waitlist.  Click on Recreational Classes for information regarding our classes, times and term fees.

Newsletter December 2018

Our final newsletter for the year.

Newsletter November 2018

November Newsletter.

Newsletter September 2018

September Newsletter

Register for 2018 Now!

Our 2018 Competition classes are well underway for the year and Recreational Classes start this week on Monday 5th February. If you haven't already registered your child for gymnastics, aerobics or trampolining please come to the gym on Monday from 3.15pm. 

Newbies Dance their way to National Title

Since taking up aerobics seven months ago, it's been a rapid rise to the top for a group of Aorangi competitors. Brenna Turnbull, Caitlin Buckley, Tegan Buckley, Zoe Harding and Lillie Evans all have reason to smile after they picked up national titles at their first attempt. Harding, Caitlin Buckley and Brenna Turnbull combined to win the level four, 15-17-year-old team section, in Auck

Aerobics Trio Take Off

It's been a dazzling start to aerobics for Zoe Harding, Caitlin Buckley and Brenna Turnbull. The trio, who took up the sport in March at the South Canterbury Gymsports Club, dominated their first tournament in Balclutha last weekend... Read More